Figuring Out Where I Stand
Forgive me, but after this long hiatus, I'm actually doing a (*gasp*) political post!
An old friend once told me that he believed everyone was either 100% conservative or 100% liberal, and there was no in-between. He even asked me to take a couple of political orientation quizzes to prove it. He was certain that I would come out dangling on the left-hand edge. Actually, I came out just a little left of center, as I have pretty much every time I've tried one of those tests. But while I took great schadenfreude satisfaction in proving my friend wrong, the fact is that quizzes like that tend to irritate the hell out of me. They're just so simplistic...and I am NOT a simple person. The answer choices for each question are always very basic, very conventional, even stereotyped...and in my case, there's always something missing. Almost every time I choose an answer, I want to attach a "HOWEVER" to it. Some examples could include:
1. Do you believe the environment should be protected? Yes, I do. We only have one planet and therefore only one ecosystem, and it's ridiculous to treat it like a disposable convenience that we're somehow entitled to destroy.
HOWEVER, in my experience, the savviest environmentalists I've ever met were loggers. Yes, you read that right. Loggers. In my experience, go to a typical tree-hugging "environmentalist" and say, "Tell me about those trees," and s/he will likely say, "They're pretty," or something about equally informative. Ask an experienced logger, and he'll tell you exactly what role they play in the ecosystem. He'll tell you about how old they are, how healthy they are, and what kind of animals likely live in and among them. One such individual is my cousin's husband, and he told me that just about every tree he'd ever cut in the Oregon Coast Mountains region was regrowth, i.e. someone had planted it. What does that mean? It means that timber harvest is sustainable and has been for years. I'm in favor of setting some areas aside as nature preserves, but that's what our national and state forests are for. With intelligent, considerate management and proper foresight, our natural resources can be used without being any more destructive to Nature than Nature is herself.
2. Do you believe that industry should be regulated? Yes, I do. Industry has proven time and time again that, left entirely to its own devices, it tends to look only at its own profit margins and nothing else. Therefore, some oversight is necessary.
HOWEVER, I'm only in favor of regulating things that affect other people, such as emissions and other wastes. Try looking up "Minamata disease" on the internet to see a horrifying example of why factories shouldn't be allowed to dump at will. On the other hand, I look at the friend of mine who tried to cheer up a depressed coworker by sending her an e-mail that mentioned she was "as attractive as [she was] intelligent," and next thing he knew he had a government label slapped on him naming him as a workplace sex offender, which made it very hard for him to get a new job...and wiped out his unemployment insurance. I'm not in favor of government agents poking their noses into everything businesses do behind their doors. People are not obligated to work anywhere, and as far as I'm concerned, as long as there are no victims, there is no crime.
3. Do you believe that free enterprise should be regulated? Yes, I do...for basically the same reasons as 2. (above). If you think free enterprise should be 100% free, I'd recommend you review your history, especially during the time when Teddy Roosevelt was President.
HOWEVER, for the most part, I think regulation should stop at the antitrust laws that Teddy Roosevelt put in place...and perhaps some zoning regulation so that discount megastores don't wind up wiping out entire communities of mom-and-pop stores. As a general rule, when you have competition, you have long as play is kept in the proper leagues.
4. Do you believe that education is a basic right? Yes, I do. A high illiteracy rate is a hallmark of a third world country, not a world power. For that matter, in both the USA and Japan, the establishment of compulsory, public education heralded the nation's rise to prominence. On the other hand, as a historical rule, lack of general education tends to lead to higher crime rates...or left-wing revolutions. Knowledge should never be a luxury reserved for the rich.
HOWEVER, any right comes with a responsibility. If you fail in that responsibility, you forfeit the right. Moreover, the right to an education applies to EVERYONE, not just the spoiled brat whose parents demand he be given special treatment. If you fail in your responsibility as a parent, you forfeit the right to send your kid to school at the public's expense.
5. Do you believe healthcare is a basic right? I think it damned well SHOULD be.
HOWEVER, just as with education, there should be a choice. No one should have to die a totally preventable death just because they currently lack the means to pay. On the other hand, no one should be forced to go to a socialized hospital. Perhaps each region or municipality could have one designated health center which is subsidized (and regulated), and all the other hospitals and clinics run as they always have. You might say, "Then everyone would go to the public hospital because it's cheap." Possibly. But that would mean that the regular hospitals could offer shorter waits and better service if you're willing to pay for it. People are willing to pay for private education even though public education is free. The same could be true of hospitals. There could also be choice in the insurance field. Japan has social health insurance which is cheap, minimal, and straightforward. It helps keep costs down and covers the basics. Most people supplement it with private insurance (as I do), so they get the best of socialism and capitalism together.
6. Do you believe that it is the responsibility of society to care for the unfortunate? Yes, I do...for the same reason that I support public education. There are moral issues, of course, but if you want a cynical, practical reason, I'll say that people with no means WILL do what it takes to survive; without assistance, they will turn to crime.
HOWEVER, when someone is sick or injured, the aim is not to keep them in the hospital forever; rather, the object is to REHABILITATE them and get them back on their feet. By the same token, if someone is unable to support himself, he ought to be helped by society to get the means to do so. That can mean subsidized employment services. That can mean public temp agencies that don't pay as much as a regular job would (while charging a bit more than the normal wage would be) and also offer job training. No one who is able to work should live on handouts.
7. Do you believe that a high minimum wage is necessary to maintain standard of living? How the hell do you define "high"? Or "low", for that matter? People who work should make a fair living, especially if they work full time, and lack of a regulated minimum wage could very well mean that businesses would start paying third world levels.
HOWEVER, there's also a thing called basic math: if employees become too expensive, there will be fewer of them, guaranteed. It's insanity to demand higher wages from businesses that are already struggling to make a go of it. If the government is going to set a standard, they need to use their heads and seek the best possible balance between cost of living and cost of running a business.
8. Do you believe that wealthy people should pay a higher tax rate? They certainly shouldn't pay a LOWER tax rate! A lot of people say there should be a flat tax rate, and that even the poor should pay their fair share, but there's that basic math thing again. Forcing someone who uses 80% or more of their earnings just to cover basic needs to pay the same tax rate as someone who pays less than 10% for theirs hardly seems "fair". It just seems logical to ask those who can afford more to pay a bit more.
HOWEVER, at any rate (no pun intended), I'm not really in favor of artificial redistribution of wealth. That sounds too much like letting people live on handouts, and I'm against that idea. If the upper tier is to pay a higher tax rate, it probably shouldn't be that much higher...or the cost-of-living deduction should also be based on their property holdings rather than a flat rate.
9. Do you think that foreign policy should give priority to US interests? Forgive me for being a veteran ex-pat who also hung out with the international crowd in college, but I don't think our country is entitled to any special privileges, nor do I think that we are any more inherently righteous than any other nation. The world is not ours to do with as we please. We shouldn't expect the other nations to bow down to us, always allow us the last word, or let us shove our noses into their business. We are a powerful nation, and obvously an influential one, even an important one, but we are still only one nation of many. We don't need to be arrogant.
HOWEVER, if you fuck with my country, we should bomb the shit out of you. 'Nuff said.
10. Do you think that people are inherently good? That question is a non-sequitur, and it annoys the hell out of me. The very term "good" is both undefined and relative. In Japan it is considered "good" to lie to someone if the truth might be painful. In China, material success is always considered "good" even if it means suckering a lot of people into buying a defective or fake product. In some areas of India and Pakistan it is considered "good" to burn alive the new wife of a member of your family if her family doesn't offer an honorable dowry. In some African, Arab, and Asian countries it's considered "good" to maim or disfigure if not kill a female family member if her behavior is seen as immodest. The list goes on and on. So are human beings naturally "good"? It would seem that people are inclined to do what makes them FEEL good. Sharing with others generally feels good. Love generally feels good. However, even very small children are just as likely to attack each other over a toy as they are to love each other. And once someone learns that they get enjoyment out of hurting others, they will continue to do so. This is human nature.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we should give up on someone.
Fascinating post! Excellent points. I never considered loggers to be experts of the forest (as I would likely be the tree-hugger type), but that makes perfect sense. Thank you for showing me that. And the commentary about what it means to be good -- most excellent illustration. My answer? People are inherently self-serving, and as such, will do what it takes to keep themselves alive. As you said, "good" is relative.
Also, about the healthcare -- in Canada, we pay a monthly premium for our insurance. Hell of a lot cheaper than the US, but we still pay for it. It ain't free, contrary to popular belief. (Our tax base is pretty heady, as well -- in addition to income taxes, we in British Columbia pay a 12% tax on all purchases, as well.) Our family has supplemental insurance via Husband's work, for things like dental, vision, etc. If your kid breaks an arm in Canada, the cast isn't free. We have to pay for it at the place of service (i.e., at the hospital or clinic). Wait lists are insane for surgeries, including torn ligaments, hysterectomies, and gallbladder issues -- while these ailments are not life-threatening, they are certainly painful enough to be life-altering. Is the system perfect? No. But there's no way, in this current economic and political climate, that I would move back to the US and again be without healthcare. I don't have a house to mortgage so that I can have my appendix removed, and I don't want to be stuck in the midst of a bureaucratic smackdown if my doctor raises his rates in order to maintain his standard of living under Obamacare. I don't know enough about it to make an informed commentary, but I DO know that those folks who sniff and poo-poo the idea of a "socialized" healthcare system are usually the ones who have great insurance through their places of employment. When you're self-employed, without insurance, the flu or a mishandled knife can be a painful conundrum.
Thanks for the chat. Your brain is mighty, cousin.
Unknown, at 1:45 AM
Any differences between your views and mine are minor at this point, so I am just going to refer people to this page from now on.
Don Snabulus, at 2:36 AM
I usually tell people that I can't wait until the election is over. Unfortunately I suspect that whichever side wins the other side is going to flip out.
The Intrepid Adventurer, at 11:53 AM
Hi sir.
Im interested in the kind of dreaming you mentioned.
On to the subject aT hand.
Didnt Ashikaga Yoshimi not want to be shogun? Didnt he want his brother's son to rule? It seems to me that that quarreling was really from the agitater,Hoja. Im trying to find out in this story why did Yoshimi switch to the Yamana side..
My gut feeling is that the Hoja(i hope i have the name correct) person wasnt a cool person to be around .. a troublemaker,to put it simply for this post.
Il be continuing to read today about how the Hoja continued ..(i bet to continue to sow discord) proceed under more Ashikaga rule.....
Ok thank you. (:
loved your post here.
WChill, at 5:04 PM
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